[GIS] ArcMap tables – copying multiple horizontal cells between rows


I would like to be able to select a contiguous set of horizontal cells in a row, take a copy, then paste the values into another row at the same position in the same table. I do not want to copy all the attributes, only a subset, but they are at least contiguous. At the moment I am doing a simple copy-paste cell-by-cell, and it is very time consuming, not to mention frought with error. If it were in a spreadsheet, it would be as simple as highlighting the group of horizontal cells, taking a copy, move the cell cursor down one cell, and then doing a paste. Is this possible without going through an export/edit/import process. Thoughts greatly appreciated. Barrie

Best Answer

There is an existing ArcGIS Idea covering this functionality that you can vote for.

In the meantime a workaround may be as follows:

  1. This will work only on a feature class NOT a table so if you need a table create a feature class with the same number of records and use Join Fields to make a temporary feature class that you can turn back to a table later.
  2. Hide all Fields on the Properties of the feature class except the ones you want to copy/paste - they do not have to be adjacent
  3. Start Editing
  4. Select All
  5. Open the Attributes (Editing) window
  6. Right click on one row (which only has the unhidden fields) to Copy it
  7. Right click on another row (or rows) and Paste
  8. Unhide all the Fields again and you will see that just the cells unhidden during the Copy/Paste operation were changed

Personally, I would be more inclined to use the export/edit/import via Excel route that you suggested.