[GIS] Using Copy / Paste when editing attribute tables in QGIS


I have a number of polygon attribute tables with columns that I want to update with new information.

Is there a way of (relatively) quickly editing info in attribute tables in QGIS?

For example, such as using Control C and V such as in MapInfo. Currently seem to need to double click/right click/copy, move to cell, double click/right click/paste each individual cell I want to change – would like something simple rather than going down the field calculator, filter, etc route. With points no problem; I usually throw them out to Excel, edit and then bring back in again.

Best Answer

If your editing situation is conditional you may use a CASE expression within field calculator:

CASE expression A conditional expression that can be used to evaluate multiple expressions and return a result.


        WHEN condition THEN result
        [ ...n ]
        [ ELSE result ]


    WHEN "mycolumn" = 'A' THEN 'Letter A'
    WHEN "mycolumn" = 'B' THEN 'Letter B'
    ELSE "mycolumn"

This should at least eliminate the need to perform selections and filters before running calculations.

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