Write a command that includes a figure


I would like a shorthand command to include a figure.

  • Description and filename are mandatory
  • Short caption is optional
  • Optional arguments can be passed to \includegraphics

Here's the snippet I am trying to write:


I am still confused with the optional arguments in commands.

Best Answer

Instead of defining many arguments you could also define a key=value interface that sets the label, short-caption, or place for the float's placement. With expkv-cs you can use the ... handler to get all the unknown key=value pairs (and the keys without values) in a single argument to forward them to \includegraphics (resulting in a single optional key=value argument and two mandatory arguments).



    % defaults here
     short = {}% will get set for each call to match the caption argument
    ,internal-label = {} % empty, not for direct use (easier that way)
    ,place = tbp
     nmeta H = place=H % shortcut
    ,meta label = internal-label=\label{#1} % wraps \label around the value
    % add more keys you want to be handled special here


\fig[H]{A lovely duck}{example-image-duck}

\fig[width=3cm, short=Ducky]{A frightening duck!}{example-image-duck-portrait}

enter image description here

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