Bibtex – How to Wrap Text in .bib Files Using WinEdt


I tried using some of the solutions posted on this forum for wrapping text in WinEdt for my .bib files, but what I tried so far does not work.

I tried selecting the "Wrap" option at the bottom of the GUI:

enter image description here

Also, adding "BIB" to the preferences option and selecting "Wrap Soft Comments":

enter image description here

These options that I tried still does not wrap the text for my ".bib" files.

Can you tell me what is the solution to wrap the text for the .bib files in WinEdt 10.3 in the Windows 10 environment? Thanks!

Best Answer

As already stated in the comment below the question the text fields in the shown screenshot of the Wrapping options comprise of two parts. The part left of the separator | which enables (soft) wrapping and the part right of the separator | which disables (soft) wrapping.

Said that by adding BIB as the last item of the upper text field, which is right of | you in fact disabled wrapping. Simply move it before (left of) | and it should work as expected.

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