Why the Q.E.D. symbol show after the sentence end and can’t show right aligned (as picture below)


\renewenvironment{proof}{{\noindent\bfseries Proof.}}{\qedsymbol}

    It is clear.

I want the text Proof is bold. So I write:

\renewenvironment{proof}{{\noindent\bfseries Proof.}}{\qedsymbol}

Now, I want to Q.E.D. symbol is black square, so I write


Why the Q.E.D. symbol show after the sentence end and can't show right aligned (as picture below)? How to make it?

enter image description here

I want:

enter image description here

Best Answer

My suggestion is to use https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/251251/4427 with also a redefinition of \qedsymbol.



\providecommand{\proofnamefont}{\itshape}% the default
\renewcommand{\proofnamefont}{\bfseries}% your preference



Obvious, isn't it?


enter image description here

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