Why does the textblock environment not obey the overlay settings when used within \onlyenv


I have an image that I want to explain with floating texts, arrows, and circles. To do so, I thought about creating a textblock environment (to put text) and a picture environment (to put the arrows and ovals) nested into an onlyenv environment. Into a unique frame, I could put as many \onlyenv as I want to move the texts, arrows, and circles around the picture.

Expected behaviour: The textblock and the picture environment should appear only in the layers defined by the onlyenv environment.

Observed behaviour: Only the picture environment obeyed the \onlyenv setting. The textblock environment appears in all layers.

For instance, consider the following LaTeX file

% graphical config
\setlength{\unitlength}{1cm} % set default length

            % \centering
            \lipsum[66] \thebeamerpauses
            % \centering
            \lipsum[75] \thebeamerpauses

This yields

enter image description here

Best Answer

The textpos [overlay] option uses a fairly simple-minded mechanism to control the order in which elements are added to the output page. The beamer environment does quite sophisticated things to control positioning on the page, and these are unlikely to interact well with the [overlay] mode.

Instead, use textpos without options: \usepackage{textpos}. In this mode, the {textblock} environment simply adds a zero size box to the page, and the offset (hpos,ypos) is relative to the location of this box on the page. Specifically, in this mode textpos does nothing clever about adding material, so can't confuse, or be confused by, beamer.

If you move the {textblock} to the beginning of the {frame}, which will have a consistent, predictable position, and write

        \lipsum[66] \thebeamerpauses

then you might get the effect you're looking for.

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