What’s wrong with this last >{\centering}p{1.0cm}

arrayshorizontal alignmenttables

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, UTF8, scheme = plain, twoside]{ctexart}
\begin{tabular}{| >{\centering}p{5.8cm} | >{\centering}p{1.8cm} | 
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} | 
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} |
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} |
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} | 
    c | % works with   c|
\textbf{PaperName} & 
\textbf{Page} & 
\textbf{A} & 
\textbf{B} & 
\textbf{C} & 
\textbf{D} & 
\textbf{E} \\
    \verb=9709_s21_ms_13= & 1     & 59 & 51 & 42 & 32  & 22 \\
    \verb=9709_s21_ms_12= & 17    & 63 & 54 & 44 & 34  & 23 \\
    \verb=9709_s21_ms_11= & 33    & 61 & 50 & 41 & 31  & 21 \\
    \verb=9709_s20_ms_13= & 49    &    &    &    &     &    \\
    \verb=9709_s20_ms_12= & 67    &    &    &    &     &    \\
    \verb=9709_s20_ms_11= & 81    &    &    &    &     &    \\
    \verb=9709_s19_ms_13= & 97    & 62 & 54 & 44 & 34  & 24 \\
    \verb=9709_s19_ms_12= & 111   & 65 & 54 & 43 & 31  & 19 \\
    \verb=9709_s19_ms_11= & 127   & 65 & 57 & 47 & 37  & 28 \\
    \verb=9709_s18_ms_13= & 146   & 62 & 55 & 45 & 35  & 25 \\
    \verb=9709_s18_ms_12= & 164   & 62 & 52 & 42 & 32  & 21 \\
    \verb=9709_s18_ms_11= & 182   & 62 & 54 & 44 & 34  & 24 \\
    \verb=9709_s17_ms_13= & 199   & 49 & 41 & 32 & 23  & 13 \\
    \verb=9709_s17_ms_12= & 214   & 51 & 42 & 31 & 21  & 10 \\
    \verb=9709_s17_ms_11= & 232   & 55 & 46 & 37 & 28  & 18 \\

For the last colum, if I used

>{\centering}p{1.0cm} | 
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} |
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} |
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} | 
>{\centering}p{1.0cm} | % works with   c| 

instead, it will give me an error……

\midrule ->\noalign
{\ifnum 0=`}\fi @aboverulesep =\aboverulesep \global @…

why? how can I fix this?

Best Answer

\centering redefines \\ to be a centred newline, breaking the tabular use ,you can use \centering\arraybackslash to restore the array/tabular \\

Alternatively and possibly better since it looks like your table cells are not really multi-line paragraphs use the fixed width form of c so wc{1cm} rather than p{1cm} for all the columns. (Requires an array package that's not too old)

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