Weird spacing of numbers with siunitx package


When I use \num{2.17989e-2}, I get the following output:

enter image description here

As you can see, there is a weird space between 9 and 8 in the decimals. Why is this happening and how can I eliminate it?

Best Answer

This is for siunitx manual:

Grouping digits into blocks of three is a common method to increase the ease of reading of numbers.

So the default behavior of the package is precisely that, to group the digits. But there is an option to activate/deactivate that (as David said in his comment).

\usepackage   {siunitx} % I have version 2020/02/25

\sisetup{group-digits=false} % changes the defalut (true)

Ungrouped digits (default now): \num{2.17989e-2}.


Grouped digits: \num[group-digits=true]{2.17989e-2}.

enter image description here