Vertical spacing after user-defined environment


In my lectures, I define an \example command for typesetting… examples a bit separated from the paragraph content. Sometimes they contain text, sometime tables, etc. For some reasons, I use \subparagraph in the definition of my command, so I need to add some vertical spacing after it in order to separate from following text. As I don’t want to add even more when already using a vmode environment, I set that conditionally for hmode only. My issue arise when there is a sectioning command after an example, like below:


\newcommand{\example}[1]{\subparagraph{Exemple :\hspace{-1.25ex}} #1\ifhmode\par\leavevmode\fi}


\subsection*{Bad spacing}

Some text.

\example{Some example text.}

\subsection*{Correct spacing}

Some more text.

\example{Some example text.}


Yet another text.

\example{Some example text.}

Final text.


This results in:
code output

As you can see, there is too much vertical spacing after the first “Example”, which I correct in the second one using a \vspace{-\baselineskip}.

The issue also happens when there is a second example after the first one, but I think this is the same issue because of the sectioning nature of my \example command.

Is there a way to have the correct spacing in all cases (including when there is a vmode env inside an \example{}, e.g. center)?

Best Answer

I am not too sure, what you are asking exactly, but here are some suggestions:

  1. When TeX sees a character, it will start in horizontal mode, so there is no need for you to check for vmode or hmode.
  2. Use \addvspace for vertical spacing.

To be honest personally I would use a package such as exsheets or if your lectures include maths, I would use the amsthm package to create the example environment.


Final text.
\example{ \lipsum[1]}
\example{Some example text.
My new equation
$$a = b +  c$$}
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