Vertical space between glossary entries


Is there a way to increase (well add, right now there seems to be hardly any) the vertical space between glossary entries without making a custom style, if so how? Had a quick run through the user manual but did not find anything in between all entries, not just for groups or changing the heading or…

I am using

\printglossary[type=person, nonumberlist=false, style=index] 

for very long entries with long multiline descriptions. So if there is a solution that depends on something the would not work with multiple columns, rely on adding a paragraph after the entry or something like that — all would be fine.

Best Answer

Use \renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{<vertical space>} to add vertical space between the items listed.

enter image description here




\renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{\medskip} % add space after each item

    name=Blackbox models 1,
    description={--- In system identification, the term \emph{blackbox} modelling refers to the process of modelling a system through non-parametric techniques.}

    name=Blackbox models 2,
    description={--- In system identification, the term \emph{blackbox} modelling refers to the process of modelling a system through non-parametric techniques.}

    name=Blackbox models 3,
    description={--- In system identification, the term \emph{blackbox} modelling refers to the process of modelling a system through non-parametric techniques.}


\printglossary[nonumberlist=false, style=index] 

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