Vertical centering text in frametitle in beamer

beamerframe-titlevertical alignment

I have a picture and text in my \frametitle in Beamer. I put them next to each other through \tabular.
Now I'm wondering how can I vertically center the text and the image relative to the blue background of that part of the slide? I'm also open to not use \tabular if it's easier to center using something else.

The picture how it looks now is shown below

The minimal working example with the test image is given below:



\graphicspath{ {./images169/} }

\title[My title]
{My title\\[2ex]

\author[D. Stokić]
{Dušan Stokić}




 \begin{tabular}[t]{l c}
  \includegraphics[width=.175\textwidth]{p4-logo} & frame title\\


 \begin{tabular}[t]{l c}
  \includegraphics[width=.175\textwidth]{p4-logo} & frame title\\
   \item <1-> item1,
   \item <2-> \textcolor{red}{item2}





Best Answer

With \raisebox:



\graphicspath{ {./images169/} }

\title[My title]
{My title\\[2ex]

\author[D. Stokić]
{Dušan Stokić}


        \raisebox{-.26\height}{\includegraphics[width=.175\textwidth]{p4-logo}} & #1\\


 \frametitle{\mytitle{First frame title}}


 \frametitle{\mytitle{Second frame title}}
   \item <1-> item1,
   \item <2-> \textcolor{red}{item2}




enter image description here