Vertical alignment of headers and footers with fancyhdr

fancyhdrheader-footervertical alignment

I have seen this, this and this questions and tried all the solutions in the answers. None of them has worked so far.


\usepackage[left=2.00cm, right=3.00cm, top=0.75cm, bottom=4.50cm, includefoot, includehead, headsep=1.5cm]{geometry}




\lhead{{\textbf{{\Large Meine\\ schöne\\ Schule}}}\\[3ex]\phantom{K}\\[3ex]
    Name:\\[3ex] Datum:\\[-0.5ex]}%
\rhead{{\textbf{{\Large Arbeitsblatt Mathematik\\ Binomische Formeln}}}\\[3ex] Klasse 8\underline{\phantom{unaclasse}}\\[3ex]
    Seite \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}\\[-0.5ex]}


    \section*{Some section title here}
    The main body of the section here.


I get the space between "Meine", "schöne" and "Schule" inconsistent and, especially annoying, the left and right footer do not vertically align. I have also tried several linebreaks (\\[...]) and with them I could get it acceptable, but every time I change something, I have to adjust it all over again.

Result of MWE

Anything else I could try?

Best Answer

The inconsistency between the text elements is because a font size change (like \Large) only applies the appropriate baseline skip once a paragraph is issued. You don't do that explicitly, only issuing \\. The following approach sets the header elements in tabulars that helps with this issue and presents things a bit more clearly.

Note the tabular alignment is set to [b]ottom to assure proper alignment.

enter image description here



\fancyhf{}% Clear header/footer
\fancyhead[L]{\begin{tabular}[b]{ @{} l }
  \begin{tabular}[b]{ @{} l }
    Meine \\ schöne \\ Schule
  \end{tabular} \\[3ex]
  Name: \\[3ex]
\fancyhead[R]{\begin{tabular}[b]{ r @{} }
  \begin{tabular}[b]{ r @{} }
    Arbeitsblatt Mathematik \\
    Binomische Formeln
  \end{tabular} \\[3ex]
  Klasse 8 \rule{4em}{.4pt} \\[3ex]
  Seite \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}


\section*{Some section title here}

The main body of the section here.


If you want the two heading components (those in \bfseries\Large) to be top-aligned, add a \strut on a new line for the Right header:

\fancyhead[R]{\begin{tabular}[b]{ r @{} }
  \begin{tabular}[b]{ r @{} }
    Arbeitsblatt Mathematik \\
    Binomische Formeln \\
  \end{tabular} \\[3ex]
  Klasse 8 \rule{4em}{.4pt} \\[3ex]
  Seite \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}

enter image description here

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