Vertical alignment in longtable cells

longtablevertical alignment

I read hundreds of threads now, but I don't get the point. Why isn't the text in the left column of the following table vertically centered?


\usepackage{longtable, array}


  \begin{longtable}{ m{0.1\linewidth} p{.35\linewidth}p{.55\linewidth} }
  \textbf{Enum} & \textbf{Example} & \textbf{Description} \\
  1 & test & \lipsum[50]\\
  2a & test & \lipsum[50]\\
  2b & test & \lipsum[50]\\


My local compiler as well as overleaf produce the following output
enter image description here

Can anybody help? If possible I would also like to have the text in the left column centered horizontally, but I think this will be done quickly then.

Best Answer (example 4.11)

enter image description here

\usepackage{array, makecell}

\usepackage{longtable, array}


\begin{longtable}{@{} *{2}{m{.\paperwidth}} *{1}{m{.40\paperwidth}} @{}}
\textbf{Enum} & \textbf{Example} & \textbf{Description} \\
1 & test & \lipsum[50]\\
2a & test & \lipsum[50]\\
2b & test & \lipsum[50]\\

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