Variable/Command within Minipage declaration


I have a custom minipage environment that may have 2 different width values with the same basic setup. I create a \newcommand that stores which width to use when. These minipages go into a tabular* environment and a bunch of other stuff is done. However, I've isolate my issue in the following example.

    \ifnum #1 = 3 {0.279} 
    \else {0.359}

    \begin{minipage}[t]{ 0.279\linewidth}
        \begin{center} \textbf{#2 (#3)} \newline \textit{#4} \end{center}

When calling

\begin{MyMiniPage}{3}{Some Header}{14}{Subheading}
    This is useful information setup in this way.

succeeds only if the plain text of 0.279\linewidth is entered in the \begin{minipage}[t]{ 0.279\linewidth}. Swapping that out with \MinipageTableSizeLookup{#1} fails with error "Missing number, treated as zero." I want to be able to toggle on the fly the width of these minitables when called.

I've tried including \linewidth in the \MinipageTableSizeLookup command.

Here's my preamble for reference:

% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode




Best Answer

You need 0.3\linewidth not {0.3}\linewidth so you need to drop the braces from your \ifnum



    \ifnum #1 = 3

        \begin{center} \textbf{#2 (#3)} \newline \textit{#4} \end{center}%

\begin{MyMiniPage}{3}{Some Header}{14}{Subheading}
    This is useful information setup in this way.
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