koma-script – Using Personalized Entries in TOC for Sections Instead of Section Numbers in scrbook


I am writing a publication-based dissertation. And I want to use the manuscript number in the TOC instead of the section number.

See for example this figure, I want to remove the 2.1 and have as 'sections' the manuscript number. That is, instead of 2.1 Mnuscript 1: title…

I want to have just Manuscript 1: Title….

enter image description here

I tried by using the '\section*{}' command, but that remove that entry from the TOC.

I am using '\usepackage{titletoc}' for the setting of the TOC, and 'scrbook' document class.

Same, I would like to have similar in the section itself:
enter image description here

Instead of having 2.1 Manuscript 1: Title… I would like to have just the word 'Manuscript + the contribution number'

Any guidance with this issue? Of course, I want that just for the chapter of contributions, the others chapters should be 'normal'

Kind regards,
Here is my MWE:

\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing}
plainpages=false, colorlinks=true, citecolor=blue!80, linkcolor=black, filecolor=red, urlcolor=violet, pdfpagemode=FullScreen, pdfborder={0 0 0}, breaklinks=true,  bookmarksnumbered=true, bookmarksopen=true}
\definecolor{maincolor}{cmyk}{1, .50, .10, .01}
%% Define some format spacing--------------------------------------------------------
\setparsizes{1em}{1em plus .1\baselineskip}{0pt plus 1fil}
%% Title format for Chapters -------------------------------------------------------
% headings

%%  Header and Footer ----------------------------------------------------------------------

%% command to print the TOC ---------------------------------------------
{ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,box/.style = {text width=3cm, font=\color{white}\large\scshape\bfseries}]
    \node (rect) at (-2.5,1ex) [box, draw,thick,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm, fill=maincolor!90,draw=maincolor!90,rounded corners=5pt,align=right ] {Chapter\ \thecontentslabel};

% %*****************************************************
{\;\dotfill\;\normalsize \thecontentspage} [\addvspace{-0.5pc}]
% %*****************************************************
{\;\dotfill\;\normalsize\thecontentspage} [\addvspace{-0.5pc}]
\renewcommand{\tableofcontents}{ \chapter*{ \vspace*{-1cm} 
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \clip (current page.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-8cm]current page.north east);
        \node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{example-image-a}};
        \draw[anchor=west] (current page.north west) node [
                anchor=north west,  xshift=3cm, yshift=-3.5cm,
                line width=2pt, rounded corners=10pt,   draw=maincolor,
                fill=black!5,   fill opacity=0.1, text opacity=1,
                inner ysep=12.5pt,  inner xsep=20pt, align=flush left,
                text width=1.2\linewidth,        font=\Huge\sffamily\scshape\bfseries\color{maincolor}
                ] { \contentsname }; 

% Begin document ---------------------------------------------
% Chapter 1 -----------------------------------
    \section{Section 1}
        \subsection{Subsection 1}
        \subsection{Subsection 2}
    \section{Section 2}
% Chapter 2 -----------------------------------
% \chapter{Optimal Control for Wave Energy Converters: Contributions}
\chapter{Optimal Control for Wave Energy Converters: Contributions}
    \section{Manuscript 1: Model Predictive Control for Wave Energy Converters: A Moving Window Blocking Approach}
    \sectionmark{Manuscript 1}
    \section{Manuscript 2: Efficiency-aware nonlinear model-predictive control with real-time iteration scheme for wave energy converters}
    \sectionmark{Manuscript 2}
    \section{Manuscript 3: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Wave Energy Converters using WEC-Sim}
    \sectionmark{Manuscript 3}

Editted to include @esdd proposal:

\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing}
plainpages=false, colorlinks=true, citecolor=blue!80, linkcolor=black, filecolor=red, urlcolor=violet, pdfpagemode=FullScreen, pdfborder={0 0 0}, breaklinks=true,  bookmarksnumbered=true, bookmarksopen=true}
\definecolor{maincolor}{cmyk}{1, .50, .10, .01}
%% Define some format spacing--------------------------------------------------------
\setparsizes{1em}{1em plus .1\baselineskip}{0pt plus 1fil}
%% Title format for Chapters -------------------------------------------------------
% headings

%%  Header and Footer ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\automark[section]{chapter}         % automatically marks sections as rightmark and chapters as leftmark
\setlength{\headheight}{19pt}      % avoids scrlayer-scrpage warning: footheight to low
\setlength{\footheight}{160pt}      % avoids scrlayer-scrpage warning: footheight to low warning
\setlength{\footskip}{185pt}        % BAD HACK that moves the foot downwards
\KOMAoption{footwidth}{foot:53pt}   % BAD HACK that moves the foot towards the outer border
\setkomafont{pagefoot}{\fontfootertext}           % font for footer
\setkomafont{pagenumber}{\fontfooterpagenumber}   % font for page numbers

%% Redefinition of the chapter mark (used for footer mark on even (left) pages)
        {\color{blue}\textbf{\@Chapter\ \thechapter:}}%

%% Redefinition of the section mark (used for footer mark on odd (right) pages)
        {\color{blue}\textbf{\@Section\ \thesection}}%

%% Vertical line in the footer (between page number and mark)
%% Page number for odd (right) pages
        \pagemark\ %
%% Page number for even (left) pages
        \pagemark\ %
%% Defines the content for header and footer ----------------------------
\lehead{} \cehead{} \rehead{}
\lohead{} \cohead{} \rohead{}
\lefoot[\footerleftpagenumber]{\footerleftpagenumber\hspace*{0.75cm} \leftmark} \cefoot{} \refoot{}
\lofoot{} \cofoot{} \rofoot[\footerrightpagenumber]{\rightmark \hspace*{0.75cm}\footerrightpagenumber}

%% command to print the TOC ---------------------------------------------
{ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,box/.style = {text width=3cm, font=\color{white}\large\scshape\bfseries}]
    \node (rect) at (-2.5,1ex) [box, draw,thick,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm, fill=maincolor!90,draw=maincolor!90,rounded corners=5pt,align=right ] {Chapter\ \thecontentslabel};
% %*****************************************************
{\;\dotfill\;\normalsize \thecontentspage} [\addvspace{-0.5pc}]
% %*****************************************************
{\;\dotfill\;\normalsize\thecontentspage} [\addvspace{-0.5pc}]
\renewcommand{\tableofcontents}{ \chapter*{ \vspace*{-1cm} 
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \clip (current page.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-8cm]current page.north east);
        \node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{example-image-a}};
        \draw[anchor=west] (current page.north west) node [
                anchor=north west,  xshift=3cm, yshift=-3.5cm,
                line width=2pt, rounded corners=10pt,   draw=maincolor,
                fill=black!5,   fill opacity=0.1, text opacity=1,
                inner ysep=12.5pt,  inner xsep=20pt, align=flush left,
                text width=1.2\linewidth,        font=\Huge\sffamily\scshape\bfseries\color{maincolor}
                ] { \contentsname }; 

% Begin document ---------------------------------------------
% Chapter 1 -----------------------------------
    \section{Nice section title}
        \subsection{Nice subsection title}
        \subsection{Not so nice subsection title}
    \section{Very boring section}
% Chapter 2 -----------------------------------
\chapter{Optimal Control for Wave Energy Converters: Contributions}
    \addsec[head=Manuscript 1]{Manuscript 1: Model Predictive Control for Wave Energy Converters: A Moving Window Blocking Approach}
    \addsec[head=Manuscript 2]{Manuscript 2: Efficiency-aware nonlinear model-predictive control with real-time iteration scheme for wave energy converters}
    \addsec[head=Manuscript 3]{Manuscript 3: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Wave Energy Converters using WEC-Sim}
% Chapter 3 -----------------------------------
    \chapter{Another chapter}
    \section{Nice section title}
        \subsection{Nice subsection title}
        \subsection{Not so nice subsection title}
    \section{Very boring section}

Almost there. The only issue I have now is that I get Section 2.0 Manuscript 1 and so on.

enter image description here

I want to have, just for that chapter, the "section" footer just the manuscript number. That is, "Manuscript 1", later "Manuscript 2" and so on.

Best Answer

Replace \section by \addsec. If you add class option headings=optiontoheadandtoc you could use eg. \addsec[head=Manuscript 1]{Manuscript 1: Model Predictive Control ...}. Then you have to remove the \sectionmark commands.

Additional you have to change your redefinition of \sectionmark to avoid the section number in footer for unnumbered sections. Therefore you can use \Ifnumbered{section}{<true>}{<false>}.

Here is an example without the titletoc stuff (not related to the issue and I do not recommend to use titletoc with a KOMA-Script class):

\usepackage[main=english]{babel}% <- added
plainpages=false, colorlinks=true, citecolor=blue!80, linkcolor=black, filecolor=red, urlcolor=violet, pdfpagemode=FullScreen, pdfborder={0 0 0}, breaklinks=true,  bookmarksnumbered=true, bookmarksopen=true}
\definecolor{maincolor}{cmyk}{1, .50, .10, .01}
%% Define some format spacing--------------------------------------------------------
\setparsizes{1em}{1em plus .1\baselineskip}{0pt plus 1fil}
%% Title format for Chapters -------------------------------------------------------
% headings

%%  Header and Footer ----------------------------------------------------------------------
\automark[section]{chapter}         % automatically marks sections as rightmark and chapters as leftmark
\setkomafont{pagefoot}{\fontfootertext}           % font for footer
\setkomafont{pagenumber}{\fontfooterpagenumber}   % font for page numbers

%% Redefinition of the chapter mark (used for footer mark on even (left) pages)
\renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{\textbf{\chaptername\ \thechapter:}\hspace{.25cm}}

%% Redefinition of the section mark (used for footer mark on odd (right) pages)
\renewcommand*{\sectionmarkformat}{\textbf{\Sectionname\ \thesection:}\hspace{.25cm}}

%% Vertical line in the footer (between page number and mark)
%% Page number for odd (right) pages
%% Page number for even (left) pages
%% Defines the content for header and footer ----------------------------

% Begin document ---------------------------------------------
% Chapter 1 -----------------------------------
  \section{Nice section title}
    \subsection{Nice subsection title}
    \subsection{Not so nice subsection title}
  \section{Very boring section}
% Chapter 2 -----------------------------------
\chapter{Optimal Control for Wave Energy Converters: Contributions}
  \addsec[head=Manuscript 1]{Manuscript 1: Model Predictive Control for Wave Energy Converters: A Moving Window Blocking Approach}
  \addsec[head=Manuscript 2]{Manuscript 2: Efficiency-aware nonlinear model-predictive control with real-time iteration scheme for wave energy converters}
  \addsec[head=Manuscript 3]{Manuscript 3: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Wave Energy Converters using WEC-Sim}
% Chapter 3 -----------------------------------
\chapter{Another chapter}
  \section{Nice section title}
    \subsection{Nice subsection title}
    \subsection{Not so nice subsection title}
  \section{Very boring section}

enter image description here

Additional remarks:

  • \frontmatter sets \pagenumbering{roman}

  • \mainmatter sets \pagenumbering{arabic} and resets the page counter.

  • I have removed the changed \headheight, \footheight and \footskip (also from geometry options). Then I have changed the definitions of \footerline, \footerrightpagenumber, \footerleftpagenumber and the settings of \lefoot and \rofoot

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