Use markdown in todonotes


I use todonotes, especially in the coordination of bigger projects.
Especially in the drafting and quick brainstorming phase I'd love to be able to just use markdown inside todonotes to not waste time with nesting itemize etc.

Sadly, i can't seem to make it work:
my many attempts to put a markdown env inside a todonote like this


have failed with many errors (mostly seems to be runaway arg) sounding something like this:

Argument of ^^M has an extra }.

Any ideas / help / pointers?




% normal markdown works:
* woah
* bullets

% todonotes work

% todonotes with itemize work
    \item woah
    \item complicated bullets

% todonotes with markdown break
* woah
* bullets easy
* boom


Best Answer

In this case, markdown is a verbatim environment so it cannot be used inside the argument of most commands.

See for more details.

A fix that does not involve much code change uses cprotect. Note the extra brace group around \todo[inline,prepend,caption={WOAH}].



* woah
* bullets easy
* boom


For explanation, see the documentation of cprotect package.

Note that \cprotect[om]\todo[inline, ...]{nay ...} does not work because the optional argument must not be protected (the details what protect means is quite complex, see my answer for more details.)

Alternatively it's possible to redefine \todo like this

  • See cprotect documentation for why icprotect should be used.
  • \NewCommandCopy is required because internally \todo uses some mechanism to protect it (prevent it from being expanded in expand-only context).