Use `\(…\)` in `algpseudocode`


Is there a way to use the newer \(...\) math syntax in arguments for any commands from algpseudocode (algorithmicx)? The documentation and virtually any other tutorial uses the TeX-primitive $...$.



        \For{\(i \gets 0\) to \(n\)}   % breaks
            \State \Call{Foo}{\(i\)}   % breaks


Best Answer

I get no error from \For{\(i \gets 0\) to \(n\)}. But the error comes from \Call{Foo}{\(i\)} because \Call eventually becomes

#1#2->\textproc {#1}\ifthenelse {\equal {#2}{}}{}{(#2)}

and \equal{#2} fails when it is passed something that contains LaTeX robust commands, because it attempts doing full expansion.

You can fix this.




        \For{\(i \gets 0\) to \(n\)}
            \State \Call{Foo}{\(i\)}


enter image description here

Or, more efficiently,


There are other two places that might need such fix, so a complete version should be


%%% fix for usage of \ifthenelse
 {\algorithmicprocedure\ \textproc{#1}\algparenthesize{#2}}
 {\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicprocedure}
 {\algorithmicfunction\ \textproc{#1}\algparenthesize{#2}}
 {\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfunction}
%%% end fix


        \For{\(i \gets 0\) to \(n\)}
            \State \Call{Foo}{\(i\)}
