Use contour in math mode for italic symbols


I'm trying to make bold symbols bolder in math mode (\boldsymbol isn't bold enough for my liking), and so far the best solution I've found is using contour. However, when contour is used within math mode, it makes the symbols lose their italic behavior. Is there a way to use contour within an equation to yield italic characters?

\item Using math mode within contour works:
\contour{black}{$A$} $ = 1$

\item but I want to use contour within math mode:
$\contour{black}{A} = 1$

\item since I'd like to eventually define the variables as bold elsewhere in the document:
$\A = 1$

Here's why \bm isn't bold enough for me: Can you tell easily which r's are bolded?
enter image description here

vs using contour:
enter image description here

Best Answer

enter image description here

You could use $\contour{black}{$A$} = 1$ but this produces a rather fuzzy bold, and doesn't work in supercripts without adding further complication of \mathchoice. It is generally better to use a bold font.

\item Using math mode within contour works:
\contour{black}{$A$} $ = 1$

\item but I want to use contour within math mode:
$\contour{black}{$A$} = 1$

\item since I'd like to eventually define the variables as bold elsewhere in the document:
$\A = 1$

\item Using math mode within contour works: $\bm{A} = 1$

\item but I want to use contour within math mode:
$\bm{A} = 1$

\item since I'd like to eventually define the variables as bold elsewhere in the document:
$\Abm = 1$