Use cleveref (or other alternatives) with a custom theorem environment to reference


In this post Custom theorem numbering there is an explanation by egreg that shows how to implement this. Now I would like to be able to reference so that I would not have to type lemma/proposition etc. right before \ref{} when referring to a particular \label{} because by using \ref{} it only gives the numbering. However, using the cref{} from the cleveref package only gives question marks on the page after compilation (which I'm not surprised about since it's a package independent of the code given by egreg). How does one solve this problem?




%The code below customises theorem numbering



\begin{customproposition}{5.2} \label{hello}
blah blah 

I want to Proposition \ref{hello} without 
having to type proposition 
at the beginning of \ref{hello}.


enter image description here

Is there an efficient and clean way to do this? Either via cleveref or other alternatives by writing a particular code to reference \label{} without having to write "Proposition" in front of the reference?

Best Answer

Add the cleveref type and alias the counter.




%The code below customises theorem numbering



\begin{customproposition}{5.2} \label{hello}
blah blah 

\begin{customdefinition}{12.4} \label{helloagain}
blah blah 

I want \cref{hello} without having to type ``proposition''.

Also \cref{helloagain}.


enter image description here