Troubleshooting \PrintIndex \PrintChanges


The code below contains a change markup and the intent is that it be printed. I get:

ERROR: LaTeX Error: \verb ended by end of line.

How can I fix it?


% \iffalse meta-comment
% !TEX program  = pdfLaTeX
##### foo --- dummy dtx file
\input l3docstrip.tex
foo --- dummy dtx file


Copyright (C) 2021 by Author

%<install> \endbatchfile
%<package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2021-06-01]
%<package> \ProvidesExplPackage
%<package> {foo}                                              % Package name
%<package> {2021-08-03}                                       % Release date
%<package> {1.0}                                              % Release version
%<package> {foo --- dummy dtx file }
% \fi
% \GetFileInfo{\jobname.sty}
% \begin{documentation}
% \changes{Version 1.0}
% {2020/08/03}
% {Initial version}
%^^A {\DTMdate{2020-08-03}}
% \StopEventually{\clearpage{}\PrintChanges\PrintIndex}
% \end{documentation}
% \begin{implementation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{implementation}
% \Finale
% ^^A\PrintIndex \PrintChanges


% \DescribeMacro\PrintIndex
% To read in and print the sorted index, just put the
% |\PrintIndex| command as the last (commented-out, and thus
% executed during the documentation pass through the file) command
% in your package file.  Precede it by any bibliography commands
% necessary for your citations.
% Alternatively, it may be more convenient to put all such calls
% amongt the arguments of the |\StopEventually| macro, in
% which case a |\Finale| command should appear at the end of
% your file.

PS: only \PrintIndex is the problem

Best Answer

You are likely running MakeIndex with a call such as

 makeindex -o foo.ind foo.idx

which will use the default style. What you need is

 makeindex -o foo.ind -s foo.idx

which will use the correct indexing style file to convert the .idx file generated by doc.

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