Equations – Troubleshooting System of Equations with Aligned Coefficients


The part above the hrule is what I have when aligning the coefficients. What I would like to do now is to write \minand \text{s.a.} and also add the last line, i.e., x_i \geqslant 0, \forall i \in [7]. I am having some trouble doing so without messing up the alignment of the coefficients. Below I leave my code for the system ABOVE the hrule. Thanks for all the help in advance.

enter image description here

                            x_1+x_7 = 1}

Best Answer

Here's a solution that employs two array environments.

enter image description here

\newcolumntype{C}{>{{}}c<{{}}} % for binary/relational operators
  \min \\[0.5ex] \text{s.a.} \\ \\ \\ \\
\begin{array}{  r *{7}{Cr} }
-10x_1 &+&  57x_2 &+&   9x_3 &+& 24x_4 \\[0.5ex]
0.5x_1 &-& 5.5x_2 &-& 2.5x_3 &+&  9x_4 &+& x_5 & &     & &     &=& 0 \\
0.5x_1 &-& 1.5x_2 &-& 0.5x_3 &+&   x_4 & &     &+& x_6 & &     &=& 0 \\
   x_1 & &        & &        & &       & &     & &     &+& x_7 &=& 1 \\
\multicolumn{15}{l}{\phantom{-10}x_i \geqslant 0 \ \forall i\in\{1,2,\dots,7\} }