Transorb symbol in circuitikz


A voltage supressor like the transorb diode is frequently used in circuits complementing gas filled surge arrester. Following is an improvised symbol version using Circuitikz. The problem is that a symmetric symbol in a path requires some further tweaking!

  \draw (0,0) coordinate(A) to[zzD,fill=white,*-*] (2,0)coordinate(B)  to[D, fill=white] ($(B)!0.65!(A)$) ;

Best Answer

to[] will always center a (single) component between two points, but you need to center two components attached together at specific locations. In this case, it is better to use the node names.

Note that east and west do not take into account the rotation applied to the node.


  \draw (0,0) coordinate (A)
        (2,0) coordinate (B)
        ($(A)!0.5!(B)$) node[emptyzzdiodeshape, anchor=east] (D1a){}
          node[emptydiodeshape, anchor=east, rotate=180] (D1b){}
        (A) -- (D1a.west) (D1b.west)--(B);


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