Overleaf Equations – How to Tidy Up Equations in Overleaf?


I would like to write two equations (R3 and R4) in overleaf.

expected equations
Since I use a template which are in two column format, the equations become untidy as in the screenshot.

Here is the code:

\begin{equation} \label{eq:R3}
R_3(i) = 
  (q_i.c_i + (1-q_i)p_i + (n+1)w + nv)(\frac{q_i}{m_i-z_i} +\frac{(1-q_i)}{m_i-z_i})  & \text{if } i \geq (n-1) \\
  (q_n.p_n + (1-q_n)c_n + (n+1)w + nv)(\frac{q_n}{m_n-z_n} +\frac{(1-q_n)}{m_n-z_n})       & \text{if } i = n

\begin{equation} \label{eq:R4}
R_4(i) = 
  (q_i.p_i + (1-q_i)c_i + (n+3)w + (n+2)v)(\frac{q_i}{z_i+1} +\frac{(1-q_i)}{z_i+1})  & \text{if } i \geq (n-1) \\
  (q_n.c_n + (1-q_n)p_n + (n+3)w + (n+2)v)(\frac{q_n}{z_n+1} +\frac{(1-q_n)}{z_n+1})       & \text{if } i = n

Then, here is the preview.

Do you have any idea how to make these equations tidier ?
I am thinking to make the font smaller however I am not sure what to do.

Thank you.

Best Answer

wrap and small fontsize

R_3(i) =
\begin{tblr}{colspec={l},colsep={0pt}}(q_i.c_i + (1-q_i)p_i + (n+1)w + nv) \\ \times(\frac{q_i}{m_i-z_i} +\frac{(1-q_i)}{m_i-z_i})\end{tblr} & \text{if } i \geq (n-1) \\
\begin{tblr}{colspec={l},colsep={0pt}}(q_n.p_n + (1-q_n)c_n + (n+1)w + nv) \\ \times(\frac{q_n}{m_n-z_n} +\frac{(1-q_n)}{m_n-z_n})\end{tblr} & \text{if } i = n

R_4(i) =
\begin{tblr}{colspec={l},colsep={0pt}}(q_i.p_i + (1-q_i)c_i + (n+3)w + (n+2)v) \\ \times(\frac{q_i}{z_i+1} +\frac{(1-q_i)}{z_i+1})\end{tblr} & \text{if } i \geq (n-1) \\
\begin{tblr}{colspec={l},colsep={0pt}}(q_n.c_n + (1-q_n)p_n + (n+3)w + (n+2)v) \\ \times(\frac{q_n}{z_n+1} +\frac{(1-q_n)}{z_n+1})\end{tblr} & \text{if } i = n

enter image description here

double column equation

R_3(i) =
(q_i.c_i + (1-q_i)p_i + (n+1)w + nv)(\frac{q_i}{m_i-z_i} +\frac{(1-q_i)}{m_i-z_i}) & \text{if } i \geq (n-1) \\
(q_n.p_n + (1-q_n)c_n + (n+1)w + nv)(\frac{q_n}{m_n-z_n} +\frac{(1-q_n)}{m_n-z_n}) & \text{if } i = n
R_4(i) =
(q_i.p_i + (1-q_i)c_i + (n+3)w + (n+2)v)(\frac{q_i}{z_i+1} +\frac{(1-q_i)}{z_i+1}) & \text{if } i \geq (n-1) \\
(q_n.c_n + (1-q_n)p_n + (n+3)w + (n+2)v)(\frac{q_n}{z_n+1} +\frac{(1-q_n)}{z_n+1}) & \text{if } i = n

enter image description here