The label of list items overrides left margin


I'm facing a problem when I make my own list labels together with enumerate, here is the code.

Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random 

Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. Some random text goes here. 

\setlist[RQlist, 1]
{label=\textbf{RQ \arabic{RQlisti}.},

\item First item
\item Second item
\item This is the third item
\item This is it


And the output

enter image description here

So the problem I'm facing is that the text in the labels overrides the left margin. I guess it is because the enumerate environment uses the number for alignment, and not the actual text in the label. I know that it is possible to use a distance for "leftmargin" but if I would change the text of the label, it also means that I would have to find another distance for the left margin which would depend on the size of the text. Is there any automatic way around this?

Best Answer

Change the line




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