Textemdash doesn’t render in biblatex with moderncv


I am trying to include a bibliography (with biblatex) in a CV (with moderncv). However, when I include a \textemdash{} in a field of a bibliography entry, it renders as a space instead of an em dash. This behavior doesn't happen when I switch to \documentclass{article}, nor does it happen with \textemdash{} outside of a bibliography entry, nor does it happen with --- instead of \textemdash{}. Following is an MWE.







    The following should render as ``Hello \textemdash{} World!'':


    title = {Hello \textemdash{} World!},
    author = {Doe, John},
    date = {2021-08},

Renders as:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Biber recodes the \textemdash in your title to .

The example compiles fine with a current version of LaTeX and XeLaTeX, but I could reproduce an issue with the XeLaTeX in Overleaf's TeX Live 2020 (https://www.overleaf.com/read/rggbprxmtthn). There the problem could be fixed by loading \usepackage{fontspec}, which is probably not that bad an idea if you use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX anyway.

With \usepackage{fontspec} https://www.overleaf.com/read/zhyqysgwfynf, i.e.




    title = {Hello \textemdash{} World!},
    author = {Doe, John},
    date = {2021-08},


  The following should render as ``Hello \textemdash{} World!'':



John Doe. Hello — World! Aug. 2021.

as expected.