[Tex/LaTex] xparse processor with multiple arguments


I would like to define a function with a fixed (three) number of optional arguments followed by a variable number of mandatory comma separated arguments. Each one of the mandatory argument has to produce a text in a colored box (the three optional arguments defines the color of the boxes).

Following the advices of this thread, I have written this function:


The above function produces the desired boxes, but ignore the optional arguments, because I haven't found a way to pass more than one argument to func.

After some researches, I have found this workaround:


The above function does what I want to, but I can't believe there is no easier way to accomplish the task without those ugly def. Am I wrong?

Best Answer

The \ProcessList functionality is experimental and suggests that the macro takes a single argument. One way around this is to define \func within \boxed so it grabs the arguments:

enter image description here



\NewDocumentCommand{\boxed}{ O{white} O{gray} O{white} >{\SplitList{,}}m }{{%
  \NewDocumentCommand{\func}{ m }{%






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