[Tex/LaTex] XeLaTeX warning: Redefining document command \oldstylenums with arg. spec. ‘m’


I updated my MiKTeX to the newest version a few days ago, and after this when I compile documents with the fontspec package included, there's a warning. For example:


\setmainfont{Adobe Garamond Pro}

  Hello, world!

Build Output shows:

* LaTeX warning: "xparse/redefine-command"
* Redefining document command \oldstylenums with arg. spec. 'm' on line 107.

Why this happens? How to solve it?

Best Answer

It should be possible to silence this kind of messages via


but the option to xparse is currently broken and has no effect. The version I'm referring is

xparse.sty 3471 2012-02-26

All these packages are quite new and developing, so warning messages can help debug problems. However, the message you're referring to is completely harmless.