[Tex/LaTex] XeLaTeX, Latin Modern, \mathbb and \mathcal


I'm using XeLaTeX on Linux. I know that Latin Modern Roman is the default font of XeLaTeX, however if in my preamble I write

\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
\setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}
\setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

I get errors like

The font "Latin Modern Roman" cannot be found \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}.

I really do not understand what is the name of this defaul character.
Then, I use unicode-math package: my preamble is

%\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
%\setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}
%\setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}
% \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

I don't like default \mathbb and \mathcal font of XeLaTeX. I noticed that, if I remove unicode-math I get the correct symbols. How to continue using unicode-math and having AMS font fot \mathbb and \mathcal?

Best Answer

I don't know why Latin Modern Roman is not recognized, perhaps it's not correctly installed as a system font.

For getting the “traditional” calligraphic and blackboard fonts you can use the standard setup.

\usepackage{amsmath} % should go before unicode-math
%\usepackage{fontspec} % already loaded by unicode-math

\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
\setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}
\setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

\let\mathbb\relax % remove the definition by unicode-math


abc \textsf{def} \texttt{ghi}



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