[Tex/LaTex] XeLaTeX forces readers to rotate their heads 90 degrees


My document contains some landscaped pages using lscape package. When I compile the input file using latex-dvips-ps2pdf, the landscaped pages are automatically rotated so readers don't need to rotate their heads 90 degrees.


Output using latex-dvips-ps2pdf

enter image description here

However, when the input file is compiled by xelatex, the landscaped pages are no longer automatically rotated, so we need to rotate our heads.

Output using xelatex

enter image description here

There is a statement in lscape documentation as follows,

I've made a minor improvement to
lscape.dtx that I'd like to share with
the world. My addition makes lscape
rotate the PDF "paper" { not just the
text on the page { when given the
"pdftex" option. (Naturally, this
works only with pdfLaTeX.) The result
is that the text is viewable online
without the reader having to rotate
his/her head 90 degrees. The document
still prints normally.

but when I use \usepackage[pdftex]{lscape}, the compilation fails.

Any idea to fix it?

Best Answer

Use the package pdflscape instead of lscape. It sets the Rotate attribute of the pdf