[Tex/LaTex] XeLaTeX Double closed path integral?


How can I write a double closed path integral? I have searched and I have found only single closed loop integral.

Best Answer

The symbol you're looking for is called \oiint, but you need either esint or unicode-math for accessing it:

\usepackage{unicode-math} % also loads fontspec

\oiint \quad \oiiint

enter image description here

If you don't want (or can't) load unicode-math, then \oiint is available through esint, as explained in which package for \oiint symbol

How did I find the name? I searched for "integral" with a program that knows all Unicode (I use UnicodeChecker on Mac OS X). Going through the list I found U+222F. Then I looked in unicode-math-table.tex: from a shell I did

less `kpsewhich unicode-math-table.tex`

and searched for 222F which pointed to the line

\UnicodeMathSymbol{"0222F}{\oiint}{\mathop}{double contour integral operator}%