[Tex/LaTex] WYSIWYG editor for biblatex styles


Does anyone know if a WYSIWYG editor for biblatex exists, where I simply can enter some kind of template (e.g. regular expression or whatever) and the needed commands to produce this style would be generated.

Especially for the style of entries in the reference list. Considering different orders of e.g. author, journal, year … brackets or not, or colon, semicolon or just a dot and so on.

From what I saw on the net, LyX seems to be not compatible with biblatex.

I think this would be a helpful tool – not only for biblatex newbies.


This question seeks for:

  • Generators of BibLaTeX styles, not of BibLaTeX contents.

  • Hence only a tool whose output is a set of BibLaTeX commands to be put in a document preamble is what the answers should be about.

  • Examples of what are not the right tools (making not valid answers):

    • JabRef, BibDesk, … (manages bibliography entries, not BibLaTeX styles)
    • makebst, custom-bib, … (good try, but it is for BibTeX, not BibLaTeX)

Best Answer

Perhaps a better solution would be an editor that would let you drag and drop example field values from an (extensible) list of fieldnames into a template for each type of document (book, article, report, incollection, etc), in the order you want them to appear. Add any punctuation, and then make the relevant bits italic or bold etc, and use that as the template to generate the biblatex style.

This would make a nice little web/css/xml/js project, tied to a server-side TeX installation which would display the worked examples as they are composed.

AFAIK, the strict answer to the OP's question is "No".