[Tex/LaTex] Wrong Page Number for Abstract in Table of Contents

page-numberingtable of contents

I got a problem with the number issue in the Table of Content. My abstract has two pages (Page Vii and Viii). When I using the following codes, the generated pdf shows the number of the second page (Page Viii) in the table of content. There are no issues with tables and figures. The only issue is the number of the abstract. I really appreciate it if someone can help me to solve this issue. Thanks.

The codes are:


In abstract.tex, the codes are:

\section*{\hfill Abstract \hfill}

Best Answer

Because the abstract occupies more than one page, you need to switch the ordering of two instructions in your code. Specifically, change




To play it really safe, add \clearpage (or \newpage) instruction immediately before \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Abstract}.