[Tex/LaTex] wrong numbering in subfigure environment when caption is on top


I got wrong numbering with \subfigure environment when I use \ref to call a figure in the text. The problem only happens when I change caption position to the top of the figures (and yes, I need on top). Here an example:

\caption[Optional caption for list of figures]{Caption of subfigures \subref{fig:subfig1}, \subref{fig:subfig2} and \subref{fig:subfig3}}
\subfigure[Caption of subfigure 1]{
\subfigure[Caption of subfigure 2]{
\subfigure[Caption of subfigure 3]{
Reference to figure \ref{fig:subfigureExample}. Second figure is \ref{fig:subfig2}.

PS: I know subfigure is obsolete but it's used many times in this document. I want to try to fix this bug instead of substitute everything by subfloat, for example.

Best Answer

This is why subfigure provides the option figtopcap which assumes that you'll use a figure caption at the top of the figure:

enter image description here

  \caption[Optional caption for list of figures]{Caption of subfigures 
    \subref{fig:subfig1}, \subref{fig:subfig2} and \subref{fig:subfig3}}

  \subfigure[Caption of subfigure 1]{
  \subfigure[Caption of subfigure 2]{
  \subfigure[Caption of subfigure 3]{
Reference to figure \ref{fig:subfigureExample}. Second figure is \ref{fig:subfig2}.

If you only do this occasionally (and don't want a global option set during package load), you have to add \addtocounter{figure}{-1} after the \caption.

Here is an option using subcaption:

  \caption[Optional caption for list of figures]{Caption of subfigures \subref{fig:subfig1}, \subref{fig:subfig2} and \subref{fig:subfig3}}

  \subcaptionbox{Caption of subfigure 1\label{fig:subfig1}}{%
  \subcaptionbox{Caption of subfigure 2\label{fig:subfig2}}{%
  \subcaptionbox{Caption of subfigure 3\label{fig:subfig3}}{%
Reference to figure \ref{fig:subfigureExample}. Second figure is \ref{fig:subfig2}.