[Tex/LaTex] Writing good looking solutions in math


I write a lot of solutions to math problems and have recently started out with LaTeX.

I have some requirements, I want everything to be left aligned and I want to be able to comment inside the equation environment. So far, I haven't found out the best way to manage this, have a look at my code below:


\subsection*{Exercise 1}
Solve the integrals
\item $\displaystyle \int\limits_0^1 4x \cdot e^{x^2+3} dx$
u&=x^2+3, $ so that $ \, \frac{du}{dx}=2x &\\
\int & 4x\cdot e^{u}\, \frac{du}{2x} =  2\int e^u \, du = 2e^{x^2+3}+C &\\
\intertext{We now evaluate the limits}
\int\limits_0^1 & 4x\cdot e^{x^2+3} \, dx = 2\left[ e^{x^2+3} \right]\limits_0^1 = 2e^4-2e^3 &
\item $\displaystyle \int \frac{x-6}{x^2-4}  \, dx \\$
\intertext{We use the method of partial fractions}
&\frac{x-6}{x^2-4} = \frac{A}{x+2}+\frac{B}{x-2}&\\
&(x-6)  = A\cdot(x-2) + B\cdot(x+2) &\\
&\intertext{Which gives $A=2$ and $B=-1$, so that}
&\int \frac{x-6}{x^2-4}\, dx = \int \frac{2}{x+2} + \frac{-1}{x-2}\, dx = 2ln|x+2|-ln|x-2|+C &

It will look like this:


There must be a "cleaner" way to do this, right?

Best Answer

This is my take formatting the MWE. Among other things, it replaces \item with \tag.

item tag


\newcommand{\mytext}[1]% #1 = same as intertext



\subsection*{Exercise \theexercise}
Solve the integrals
\myitem&\int_0^1 4x \cdot e^{x^2+3} dx &\\
&u=x^2+3 \quad\textrm{so that}\quad \frac{du}{dx}=2x &\\
&\int 4x\cdot e^{u}\, \frac{du}{2x} =  2\int e^u \, du = 2e^{x^2+3}+C &\\
\mytext{We now evaluate the limits}
&\int_0^1 4x\cdot e^{x^2+3} \, dx = 2\left[ e^{x^2+3} \right]_0^1 = 2e^4-2e^3 &
\myitem&\int \frac{x-6}{x^2-4}  \, dx &\\
\mytext{We use the method of partial fractions}
&\frac{x-6}{x^2-4} = \frac{A}{x+2}+\frac{B}{x-2} \\
\mytext{But this time the comment just keeps on going and going until it is guaranteed to wrap to the next line.}
&(x-6)  = A\cdot(x-2) + B\cdot(x+2) &\\
\mytext{Which gives $A=2$ and $B=-1$, so that}
&\int \frac{x-6}{x^2-4}\, dx = \int \frac{2}{x+2} + \frac{-1}{x-2}\, dx = 2\ln|x+2|-\ln|x-2|+C &
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