[Tex/LaTex] Write values to a file

external files

I'd like to write the contents of a macro to an external file. The code below

\newcommand\foo[3]{1: #1, 2: #2 and 3: #3}


\foo{See \ref{sec}}{\begin{description}
  \item[whatever] Hello
\end{description}}{Some text}

\section{A section}


writes 1: foo, 2: bar and 3: baz and 1: See 1, 2: whatever Hello and 3: Some text into the PDF file. This should go to an external file, perhaps as XML or CSV or something else parsable. I only need the output (line breaks can be ignored) of the macro, not the source (\ref{...} for example)

I use LuaLaTeX, so I might just go ahead and parse the output nodes, but there might be a solution at the macro level?

Best Answer

Judging from the comments, you know this already but you can open a file with something like


I have used the tex file name \jobname for the output file with an "output" extension. You can write to this file using


With your MWE, things go horribly wrong with expansion. To get around this in the past I have used an \unexpandedwrite macro that I found somewhere in TeXbook. Using this I can get your MWE to compile and produce the output:

1: foo
2: bar
 and 3: baz
1: See 1\hbox {}
2: \begin {description} \item [whatever] Hello \end {description}
 and 3: Some text

Depending on what you expect for #1, #2, and #3 you could of course use \write for some of them and \unexpandedwrite for others. This is what I have done below.


@jfbu points out in the comments that there is now an \unexpanded macro so \unexpandedwrite is not needed anymore, so my MWe can be shortened to:



  \write\myoutput{1: #1}
  \write\myoutput{\unexpanded{2: #2}}
  \write\myoutput{ and 3: #3}


  \foo{See \ref{sec}}{\begin{description}
    \item[whatever] Hello
  \end{description}}{Some text}

  \section{A section}

Here is the original code:


%% from the TeXbook
\def\\{\let\stoken= } \\
  \else\let\next=\copytoken\fi\fi\fi\fi \next
\def\eat{\afterassignment\sanitize \let\next= }


  \write\myoutput{1: #1}
  \unexpandedwrite\myoutput{2: #2}
  \write\myoutput{ and 3: #3}


  \foo{See \ref{sec}}{\begin{description}
    \item[whatever] Hello
  \end{description}}{Some text}

  \section{A section}