[Tex/LaTex] Write units like micro gram (µg) in LaTeX


How can I add a microgram mark in LaTeX?

Because I want to add microgram in my work as a description of a specific unit.

Best Answer

The siunitx package provides two macros that address your typesetting needs: \si and \SI.

For more information on how scientific units should be typeset according to the Système Inernational (SI) conventions, please see the NIST's SI Unit rules and style conventions.

enter image description here

\si{\micro\gram}, \SI{1.23}{\milli\gram}

Addendum to pick up on @leandriis's follow-up comment: The siunitx package provides the abbreviations \fg, \pg, \ng, \ug, \mg, \g and \kg for -- you guessed it -- femtogram, picogram, nanogram, microgram, milligram, gram, and kilogram. See the multi-page Table 21 of package's user guide for the full details.