XeTeX Packages – How to Write in Urdu Font


I want to write some lines in Urdu font in Tex writing. Someone help me that which packages I must use and how I write in .tex file, either in Urdu text or in English text. Please help me with a example. And also tell me that how can I update natbib reference packages file after using packages for Urdu writing. I am using TexMaker in Ubuntu 13.10.

Best Answer

A starting point is xelatex format and the polyglossia package. I have downloaded and installed the Scheherazade font and I enclose a result of my efforts. I am sorry if I misspelled the Urdu terms. I haven't tested that but I think that you can wrap your Urdu words and BibTeX/BibLaTeX should processed them, it is worth some experiments. It would be great to have some samples of books (a bib file) from you and how the output should look like.

%! xelatex mal-urdu.tex
% To download: http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=Scheherazade#1fd0063a
\newfontfamily\urdufont[Script=Arabic,Language=Urdu,Scale=1.5]{Amiri} % or Scheherazade after installing the font
Text before. \texturdu{ وہ کتاب ہے۔ میں جا رہا ہوں} Text after.


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