[Tex/LaTex] wrapfig followed by a list: items after the first does not wrap around correctly


When using the wrapfig environment followed by a list, the text of the first item of the list wraps around the figure. So, with the wrapfig that has a left placement, this text starts on the right of the figure and, when the figure ends, start from the beginning of the page.

But the text of the second item of the list has a big left margin from the page like the figure is still there (when it's not). How to make the following elements of the list starts from the left edge of the page?

The wrapfig documentation forbids to put the wrapfig environment "immediately" after or before a list environment, but here there's a paragraph and some text in between (so it's not immediately)

The same documentation even says that it's ok for wrapfig to follow a list environment if there's a newline (\par) between the two.

But nothing is said about wrapfig followed by a list, as this is the case (other than to forbid immediately followed by)


\usepackage{mwe} % for blindtext and example-image-a in example

\caption{A caption}

    \item \blindtext
    \item \blindtext


Pic of the behaviour:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can solve your problem splitting the list in two and using the resume* option of the enumitem package (the second list uses the same parameters as the first list). A small vertical correction is managed by the before= key. Don't forget to insert a blank line between the two parts of the list.

\usepackage{mwe} % for blindtext and example-image-a in example

  \caption{A caption}

  \item A first short item
  \item A second short item
  \item \blindtext

\begin{itemize}[resume, before = \vspace*{-\dimexpr\topsep+\partopsep\relax}]
  \item \blindtext
  \item \blindtext


enter image description here