[Tex/LaTex] Wrap text in table column header AND fit table width to pagewidth


How do I get a table where the header in column 2 is wrapped, while keeping the width of the table = textwidth? As you can see from the attached figure, I have a long title for the 2nd column, which makes the column very wide, resulting in wrapping of the text (actual entries, not the title) in the first column. I guess in a more general sense, I want to prioritize wrapping of column titles over wrapping of actual column entries. (I am not stuck on using tabularx; I am happy to try any other package if it works.)



\multicolumn{4}{c}{xxx xx xxxx}                                                                                           \\ \hline
\textbf{miRNA}  & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{logFC (ABCDEF vs ABCFED)}} & \textbf{PValue} & \textbf{False Discovery Rate}    \\ \hline
abcd efg hijka  & -1.854                                                & 9.52E-11        & 8.41E-10                         \\
abcd efg hijka  & -1.815                                                & 3.38E-09        & 2.42E-08                         \\ \hline
a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width


what I get now

Best Answer

Here is a solution using the makecell package that enables pre-formatting of column heads and multine heads. I also used the booktabs package to have better-looking horizontal rules and a less tight vertical spacing. Finally numprint allows for scientific notations in cells.


\newcolumntype{Z}{ >{\centering\arraybackslash}X }

\usepackage[autolanguage, np]{numprint}


\multicolumn{4}{c}{xxx xx xxxx}   \\
\thead{miRNA}  & \thead{logFC \\ (ABCDEF vs \\ ABCFED) } & \thead{PValue} & \thead{False \\Discovery\\ Rate} \\%
abcd efg hijka  & $-1.854$                                                & \np{9.52E-11}        & \np{8.41E-10}                         \\
abcd efg hijka  & $-1.815$                                                & \np{3.38E-09}        & \np{2.42E-08}                         \\
a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width a lot of text here to show text width


enter image description here

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