[Tex/LaTex] Wrap page number in colored box in footer


I a looking for a way to achieve the following outcome for the page numnbers in my footer created using fancyhdr:

Desired outcome

My current code in a stand-alone example looks like this:



% Header and footer
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{\thesection.\ #1}{}}
\lfoot{\small{Author name}}



\section{Section One}



\section{Section Two}



This of course leads to a pretty much standard outcome:

Current outcome

The closest thing I found in the fancyhdr documenatation are the thumb-indexes however I am not sure how to adapt them for this.

Is there an easy way to do this or would it require a lot of custom drawing with tikz?

I appreciate all hints.

Best Answer

Because of you are using the KOMA-Script class scrartcl I would suggest to use scrlayer-scrpage instead fancyhdr. Then you can define and insert a new layer for the background of the pagenumber.


% header and footer
\ifoot{Author name}

\newcommand\pagenumberwidth{1cm}% <- width of the black box

% new layer for the pagenumber background:
    clone=scrheadings.foot.oneside,% <- clone the foot layer
    contents={\parbox{\layerwidth}{\raggedleft\rule{\pagenumberwidth}{\baselineskip}}}%<- black rule
% add the new layer to the pagestyle before the foot layer:

% fonts
\addtokomafont{pagenumber}{\bfseries\color{white}}% <- white pagenumber


enter image description here

Or you could add the black box to the layer of the headsepline and move this layer to the background:


%Header and footer
\ifoot{Author name}

\newcommand\pagenumberwidth{1cm}% <- width of the black box

% fonts
\addtokomafont{pagenumber}{\bfseries\color{white}}% <- white pagenumber


The result is the same as above.

Note, that the option addcontents was implemented in KOMA-Script version 3.16 (2015/02/07). So you need this or a newer version to run the second example.