[Tex/LaTex] Wiley Authoring Template Problem


I have downloaded the Wiley Book Style template, moved the complete file to my latex folder, then compiled with pdflatex but the output pdf has several problems, there is a diagonal shifting in every page.

The correct pdf (form the site )
The correct pdf (form the site )

The pdf after compiling using the Wiley Template.

The pdf after compiling using the Wiley Template

I cannot find the mistake.

The log file

( I cannot upload it sorry, I have not used the forum for 3 years)

The main.tex

%% Run LaTeX on this file several times to get Table of Contents,
%% cross-references, and citations.

\usepackage[sectionbib,authoryear]{natbib}% for name-date citation comment the below line
%\usepackage[sectionbib,numbers]{natbib}% for numbered citation comment the above line

%%       How many levels of section head would you like numbered?     %%
%% 0= no section numbers, 1= section, 2= subsection, 3= subsubsection %%
%%     How many levels of section head would you like to appear in the  %%
%%              Table of Contents?          %%
%% 0= chapter, 1= section, 2= subsection, 3= subsubsection titles.  %%



%% Title Pages
%% Wiley will provide title and copyright page, but you can make
%% your own titlepages if you'd like anyway
%% Setting up title pages, type in the appropriate names here:

\booktitle{Efficient Multirate \\ Teletraffic Loss Models \\
Beyond Erlang}

\subtitle{Efficient Multirate Loss Models}

\AuAff{Ioannis D. Moscholios\\ University of Peleponnese}

\AuAff{Michael D. Logothetis\\ University of Patras}

%% \\ will start a new line.
%% You may add \affil{} for affiliation, ie,
%\authors{Robert M. Groves\\
%\affil{Universitat de les Illes Balears}
%Floyd J. Fowler, Jr.\\
%\affil{University of New Mexico}

%% Print Half Title and Title Page:

%% Copyright Page

Title, etc

% Note, you must use \ to start indented lines, ie,
% \begin{copyrightpage}{2004}
% Survey Methodology / Robert M. Groves . . . [et al.].
% \       p. cm.---(Wiley series in survey methodology)
% \    ``Wiley-Interscience."
% \    Includes bibliographical references and index.
% \    ISBN 0-471-48348-6 (pbk.)
% \    1. Surveys---Methodology.  2. Social 
% \  sciences---Research---Statistical methods.  I. Groves, Robert M.  II. %
% Series.\\

% HA31.2.S873 2004
% 001.4'33---dc22                                             2004044064
% \end{copyrightpage}

%% Only Dedication (optional) 

\dedication{To my parents}


%\listoffigures %optional
%\listoftables  %optional

%% or Contributor Page for edited books
%% before \tableofcontents

%  Contributors Page for Edited Book

% If your book has chapters written by different authors,
% you'll need a Contributors page.

% Use \begin{contributors}...\end{contributors} and
% then enter each author with the \name{} command, followed
% by the affiliation information.

 \name{Masayki Abe,} Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Fujitsu Limited, Atsugi, Japan

 \name{L. A. Akers,} Center for Solid State Electronics Research, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

 \name{G. H. Bernstein,} Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana; formerly of
 Center for Solid State Electronics Research, Arizona
 State University, Tempe, Arizona 

% Optional Foreword:


% Optional Preface:


% ie,
% \begin{preface}
% This is an example preface.
% \prefaceauthor{R. K. Watts}
% \where{Durham, North Carolina\\
% September, 2004}

% Optional Acknowledgments:

\authorinitials{I. R. S.}  

%% Glossary Type of Environment:

% \begin{glossary}
% \term{<term>}{<description>}
% \end{glossary}

\acro{ASTA}{Arrivals See Time Averages}




The word 




Best Answer

If you add the package geometry without parameters (\usepackage{geometry}) the bug disappeared !!!!

