[Tex/LaTex] Wide table in two-column doc: error ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup


I am trying to create a table which spans both columns of a two column document based on the IEEEtrans document class. However I am receiving the following error which I cannot explain:

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
\@endfloatbox ...pagefalse \outer@nobreak \egroup 
l.719 \end{table*}

Here is the table:

      \caption{Penalty functions used in Optimisation}
        \begin{tabular*}{0.75\textwidth}{c c c c c}
            Aspect  & Notation & Limit & Penalty Function & Comments \\
            RMS Current Density & 6~Amm\textsuperscript{-2} & $L_{\text{JRMS}}$ & $S_C$ & \\
            Peak Current Density & 10~Amm\textsuperscript{-2} & $L_{\text{JMAX}}$ & $S_C$ & \\

The document builds with no errors if I comment out the table. line 719 is the line containing the:







      \caption{Penalty functions used in Optimisation}
        \begin{tabular*}{0.75\textwidth}{c c c c c}
            Aspect  & Notation & Limit & Penalty Function & Comments \\
            RMS Current Density & 6~Amm\textsuperscript{-2} &  & $S_C$ & \\
            Peak Current Density & 10~Amm\textsuperscript{-2} &  & $S_C$ & \\


The combination of subfigure and fixltx2E seems to be the problem. I probably should be using subfig anyway.

Best Answer

use package subfig instead of the outdated subfigure. The documentation is available with running texdoc subfig.

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