[Tex/LaTex] Why I get “emergency stop” for simplest template in TeXnicCenter

compilation errorerrorsmiktex2.9texniccenter

I'm newbie in LaTeX and sorry for silly question from my side. I'm using TeXnicCenter compiler and always get "emergency stop" for every template I've downloaded. what's wrong with that?

what's the best compiler for LaTeX so that I can always see the output? Any recommendations?

%   Titelseite 
%   $Date:$
%   $Revision:$
%   Matthias Kupfer

%% Schmutztitel
%   \usekomafont{sectioning}\mdseries 
%   \begin{center}
%       \Huge \dcsubject\\[1.5ex]
%       \hrule
%       \vspace*{\fill}
%       \includegraphics{TUC_deutsch_einzeile_CMYK}
%   \end{center}

%% Titelkopf
    % Schriftfamilie wie alle Überschriften, aber nicht fett
        \hrulefill \\[1em]

%% Subjekt

%% Titel

%% Autor des Dokumentes

%% Ort, Datum
\date{\dcplace, den \dcdate

%% Publishers
            {\bf Betreuer:}\quad\=\kill
            {\bf Prüfer:}   \>\dcpruefer\\
            {\bf Betreuer:} \>\dcadvisor

%% bibliografische Angaben
\textbf{\dcauthorlastname, \dcauthorfirstname}\\
  Januar\or Februar\or März\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or
    Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\fi

%% maketitle


%% Danksagung
%% Hier steht der Text für die Danksagung

%%      Kurzfassung / Abstract
\def\abstractname{Abstract}     % Wenn der Text "Zusammenfassung" erscheinen 
                % soll, dann muß dies auskommentiert werden

%% Inhalt der Arbeit

%%      Inhaltsverzeichnis

%%      Abbildungsverzeichnis

%%      Tabellenverzeichnis

%%      Algorithmenverzeichnis

%%      Abkuerzungsverzeichnis

%%      Ende

following is error part:




I've used this template for example!

I would really appreciate it if someone could explain answer of question. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The example file given is not the template the template file is vorlage.ps as generated via KomaScript (see the readme which I can't translate well enough to give exact instructions but requires running the make file after other versioned edits)

I did not follow whatever the readme advises users to do so as to update
however FORCE TeXing vorlage.tex which uses the scrreprt class I get dozens of warnings that this template is wildly out of date and not to be trusted. These issues need to be raised with the template maintainers.

enter image description here

PS the content across 16 atypical pages is not that complex although the first 47 lines of the template spread out describing the single line of \documentclass[options] !! It could probably be achieved much much simpler by starting with an empty file and cut past the working structures. However I would not wish to have to be the one to re-assemble in a foreign tongue.

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