Spacing – Why Does \xspace Behave Differently for Parentheses vs. Braces/Brackets?






Or more to the point:




Either of these yields:

xspace output image

So the question is, why does \xspace produce a space before ] and } but not )? I find this very annoying. I would much rather it produces no space in any of these three circumstances. I know I can get rid of the space by using \xspace{} or \something{}, but it sort of defeats the purpose, which is primarily to define my own macros so that I don't need to think about whether I need {} afterwards, and can just use the macro as if it were a word.

Do people consider this a bug? And if so, how should I report it?

Best Answer

The author(s) of xspace didn't included ] and \} in the list of exceptions. Why? No Idea. But there is \xspaceaddexceptions which allows you to add them:






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