[Tex/LaTex] Why does \today crash in Tufte-LaTeX using ‘isodate’ when passed as an argument


I'm trying to use the isodate package with Tufte-LaTeX, but get

! Illegal parameter number in definition of \reserved@a.

when I use \today as an argument to certain functions (e.g. \printdate or \allcaps):


If \date is set, I get a different error

! Argument of \reserved@a has extra }.

Using \protect\today fixes the above, but I still get the errors when I try to use the date as I need to:

%\date{5/16/1961} % Works fine if a date is provided

Best Answer

The default definition of \@date and \date is


This is not changed by isodate, which however redefines \today. You can check if the user has said \date{...} with

  <what to do if no \date command has been given>
  <what to do if \date has been given>

Of course if one says \date{21 marzo 2012}, \printdate would have a hard time in producing the date in correct form with

\printdate{\csname @date\endcsname}

(this is the same as \makeatletter\printdate{\@date}\makeatother, but more economical).