[Tex/LaTex] Why does the \marginpar not appear on the left page


I am working on a book right now and the margin notes are not appearing on the left-side pages. I tried using mparhack but it made no difference. Is my geometry, fancy style or another package messing up the normal layout? I am using pdflatex to render. Here is a minimal test case:

            \protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchapleader}{%-- switch it on here
\title{Heroic Real Estate Otter of the 21st Century}
\chapter*{Thread 0}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Thread 0}



Best Answer

You have adjusted your page margins, but haven't adjusted the marginpar dimensions to match. I suggest adding parameters to your call of the geometry package:

  marginparwidth=7mm,     % + <- Width of your marginpar
  marginparsep=1mm,       % + <- Gap between text block and marginpar

This will also allow you, if you need, to see the content without re-specifying alignments.

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