LuaTeX, MiKTeX – Troubleshooting LuaLaTeX Crashes After Recent Update


After updating packages of MiKTEX 2.9 lualatex stopped working.

I execute this code:

\node[] at (0,0) {A};

and I get this error:

"Process started: lualatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "test".tex Error: Command crashed: lualatex.exe -synctex=1
-interaction=nonstopmode "test".tex Process exited with error(s)"

Why does the command crash? What should be done to continue my work?

PDFLatex and XeLatex work fine, but I need lualatex, cause my thesis is with lualatex.

Best Answer

According to Ulrike Fischer comment (see above) "Open Miktex settings, go to the tab Formats, select lualatex and click on Build" First do it in admin mode, then in user mode.

Now everything is working!

enter image description here

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