[Tex/LaTex] Why does biber increase compilation time of pdflatex runs dramatically (factor 2.8!!)


Since I am using biber, the compilation time for my document has increased dramatically.
It's a dissertation with <300 pages and a full latexmk compilation suddenly needed 26 minutes which is not acceptable IMHO.

I already read, that biber might be slower than bibtex (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/53302/4009), but can it really make such a difference?

I already described the problem here (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/230749/4009 ) and narrowed the problem down to biber which seems to have a large impact on compiling time.

I use the following biblatex setup:

\usepackage[natbib=true, style=numeric-comp, backend=biber, 
 defernumbers,useprefix,firstinits=true, maxnames=99, maxcitenames=3]{biblatex}

My question

  • Is biber really that much slower than bibtex
  • Can I do anything to still use biber but decrease compiling time?
  • It seems that it is not the biber run itself, that makes compilation slow, but using backend=biber slows down pdflatex a lot
  • can I use other options (kind of a draft mode) to speed up biber and only use the slow compilation for the final versions?

Unfortunately, I've switched all my input files (.tex, .bib) to UTF-8 encoding, as I head problems with exotic characters and it seems to me there is no easy way back to the good old latin1 times. And it seems, that UTF8 requires the biber backend.

Test setup

  • my LaTeX document, limited to one long chapter by \includeonly,
  • 98 pages with many many references, many of them in large tables.
  • large .bib file (5.6 MB) with >3000 references, 350 of them cited in the document
  • I'm compiling from OS X terminal to measure the duration of the compilation:
    latexmk -C; time pdflatex main.tex

Test results

with biber:

  • biber cache removed once with rm -rf `biber --cache`
  • latexmk -C; time pdflatex Diss.tex
    Output written on Diss.pdf (83 pages, 2130562 bytes).
    real 2m17.499s
    user 1m47.626s
    sys 0m1.030s

  • biber Diss
    real 0m27.257s
    user 0m20.568s
    sys 0m1.247s

  • pdflatex Diss.tex
    Output written on Diss.pdf (95 pages, 2453607 bytes).
    real 4m7.708s
    user 3m27.864s
    sys 0m1.029s

  • again pdflatex Diss.tex
    Output written on Diss.pdf (95 pages, 2452370 bytes).
    real 4m33.769s
    user 3m36.491s
    sys 0m1.252s

with bibtex8

  • remove all aux and bbl files etc.
  • latexmk -C; time pdflatex Diss.tex
    Output written on Diss.pdf (82 pages, 2130383 bytes).
    real 0m48.470s
    user 0m19.161s
    sys 0m0.522s
  • time bibtex Diss
    (There were 200 error messages) sure 🙁
    real 0m1.258s
    user 0m0.850s
    sys 0m0.061s
  • time pdflatex Diss.tex
    Output written on Diss.pdf (95 pages, 2452225 bytes).
    real 2m26.433s
    user 1m44.921s
    sys 0m0.932s

  • second pdflatex Diss.tex
    Output written on Diss.pdf (95 pages, 2450936 bytes).
    real 2m27.148s
    user 1m51.958s
    sys 0m0.953s

My .biber.conf

path: ~/.biber.conf

    <maps datatype="bibtex" map_overwrite="1">
        <map_step map_field_set="Annote" map_null="1"/>
        <map_step map_field_set="Abstract" map_null="1"/>
        <map_step map_field_set="Keywords" map_null="1"/>
        <map_step map_field_set="comment" map_null="1"/>
  • Is this ok?
  • Are the field names case sensitive?
  • is something missing here?

Test 2 with example document

I set up an example document using the biblatex-example.bib file included in TeXLive 2014. For details please see my answer below , as it seems to crash the question, if I insert that much text here.
The sample document compiles 80% faster with bibtex!
Maybe you want to try it on your machine and see how long it takes?

Best Answer

General Test setup for performance comparison

I've set up a test file which uses the biblatex-examples.bib References included in TeXLive 2014. It cites each reference 10 times (not very elegant, but it works).


with biber backend

  • If I cite each source only 1 time (instead of 10), it takes 29 seconds for the whole script to run with biber (3x pdflatex, 1x biber).
  • If I cite each source 10 times, it takes already 1min36sec for the script (with biber).

with bibtex backend

  • If I change to backend=bibtex (still each source cited 10 times), the whole script needs less then 18 seconds - this is 80% less than with biber!!

further tests:

  • using 10 times \nocite{*} instead of citing each source separately reduces the time with biber to 21 sec!
  • removing all options from biblatex (except backend=biber) and again citing each source 10 times separately does not decrease compiling time (1min40sec)

Compiler scripts:

run: time compile-bibtex.sh


rm -rf `biber -cache`

time pdflatex -interaction=batchmode BiberPerformance.tex

time bibtex Biberperformance

time pdflatex -interaction=batchmode BiberPerformance.tex
time pdflatex -interaction=batchmode BiberPerformance.tex

run: time compile-biber.sh


rm -rf `biber -cache`

time pdflatex -interaction=batchmode BiberPerformance.tex

time biber Biberperformance

time pdflatex -interaction=batchmode BiberPerformance.tex
time pdflatex -interaction=batchmode BiberPerformance.tex

LaTeX source code BiberPerformance.tex

## \documentclass{scrbook}

%%%% {PACKAGES} %%%%
\usepackage[UKenglish, ngerman]{babel} %Sprachpakete Brit. Englisch, Deutsch Neue Rechtschreibung
\usepackage[TS1, T1]{fontenc} %Kodierungen für Text 1 und Text Symbols
\usepackage{textcomp} %für Mü-Symbol

%Pakete für Zusatzfunktionen
\usepackage{hyperref} %Automatisches Verlinken der PDF-Datei

%Weitere Pakete
\usepackage[natbib=true, style=numeric-comp, backend=bibtex, defernumbers, useprefix,firstinits=true, maxnames=99, maxcitenames=3]{biblatex}  % für bessere Literaturverzeichnisse

%In Biblatex URL ignorieren, wenn DOI existiert (Quelle: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/5779/4009) 


\usepackage{csquotes} % Empfohlen bei Verwendung von biblatex














