Fontsize – Reasons for Font Size Limitations in LaTeX Classes


I am a new user of Tex and am planning to just forget Latex and write raw Tex documents. One of the major reasons for this is that nearly all the common Latex classes I have seen have seemingly crazy text size limitations. If I use a an ordinary word processor I can use any font I want between 8 points and 48 points or even larger. However, if I use the "article" class (a common suggestion for writing letters), I only have a choice of 10, 11 or 12 pt. Why is this?

Best Answer

Your question shows a misunderstanding, you can have fonts any size you like

enter image description here


{\fontsize{2pt}{3pt}\selectfont 1}
{\tiny 2}
{\Huge 4}
{\fontsize{4cm}{4cm}\selectfont 5}


the options that you mention are not font sizes or even lengths, they are option names that set a whole range of things, the default font size, the page size, vertical spaces used around display environments and lists etc.

The names are just vaguely reminiscent of lengths so you can remember what they do. the 10pt and 12pt options do, amongst other things, set the default font size to 10pt and 12pt respectively. The 11pt option doesn't set anything to 11pt, it sets the default font size to 10.95pt for historical reasons, but the option name is just a name.

For the default Computer Modern font family the font sizes are restricted to a range of sizes (but not just 10,11,12pt, the actual list of allowed sizes is 5pt 6pt 7pt 8pt 9pt 10pt 12pt 10.95pt 14.4pt 17.28pt 20.74pt 24.88pt) but that restriction is just for historical compatibility and if you add the fix-cm package you can have Computer Modern at any size, just as you can other font families such as the latin modern I used above.