[Tex/LaTex] “While” loop without “do”; “if” statement without “then”


I have a similar question as this “For” loop without “do”; “if” statement without “then”:

How can I get rid of the do in a for loop and the then in an if
statement when typesetting algorithms using the algorithm and
algorithmicx packages?

but I want the same thing for algorithm2e package.

A minimal compilable example:

\SetKw{KwGoTo}{go to}


\While{$B > 0$}
     $C = C+1$;
     $B = B-1$;
    \uIf{$C > A$}


Best Answer

\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{}{else if}{else}{end if}%
\SetKwFor{While}{while}{}{end while}%
\SetKw{KwGoTo}{go to}

enter image description here